Alang-alang sekarang kecoh pasal debit kad makan wang orang, aku ingin ceritakan juga tentang online payment channel yang makan duit orang dan cara mengendalikannnya.
Kadang-kala server mereka (atau internet connection anda) bermasalah. Lepas key in TAC number dan confirm payment, tak ada notification sucessful.
Dah check?
Kalau anda penolakan, maknanya mungkin antara dua:
-Dah bayar tapi notification je tak ada
-Tak bayar pun, duit tu sangkut dekat payment channel.
Kalau dah bayar tapi notification tak ada, tunggu kejap 2-3 jam, atau email seller/customer service website tu. Bagitau Reference number transaksi dan bagi screenshot payment.
Kalau anda penolakan, maknanya mungkin antara dua:
-Dah bayar tapi notification je tak ada
-Tak bayar pun, duit tu sangkut dekat payment channel.
Kalau dah bayar tapi notification tak ada, tunggu kejap 2-3 jam, atau email seller/customer service website tu. Bagitau Reference number transaksi dan bagi screenshot payment.
Kalau seller/admin website CONFIRM bayaran memang tak masuk pada dia. Tu tandanya sangkut kat payment channel (bukan bank macam debit kad bank pun tak boleh release (ya, aku pernah tanya dah).
Bila terjadi macam ni, INGAT BALIK apa payment channel yang anda pakai. GHL? iPay88? Revenue Harvest? Cari FB mereka. Google nama website mereka, cari email address. PM / email mereka dengan screenshot semua benda.

Berikut adalah isi email tersebut (kot la hangpa nak tiru kan)
"Hello mr/mrs,
I need prompt help from customer service I made a transaction in <website name>. The amount was deducted from my account and send to <payment channel> but till today <website name> still hasn't showed it as "payment cleared". Below are the transactions:
<date/time>, Reference number :<xxxxx> for RM<price>
Amount has been deducted from my <bank name> As proof, I will attach screenshots from my <website> and <bank>. Please check the corresponding date and time as proof of transaction.
Do respond promptly as <letak la alasan apa pun sini>. You can contact me at <phone no.>. Thank you."
"Hello mr/mrs,
I need prompt help from customer service I made a transaction in <website name>. The amount was deducted from my account and send to <payment channel> but till today <website name> still hasn't showed it as "payment cleared". Below are the transactions:
<date/time>, Reference number :<xxxxx> for RM<price>
Amount has been deducted from my <bank name> As proof, I will attach screenshots from my <website> and <bank>. Please check the corresponding date and time as proof of transaction.
Do respond promptly as <letak la alasan apa pun sini>. You can contact me at <phone no.>. Thank you."
Kalau email tersebut email yang betul, mereka akan cari balik transaksi anda dan minta nombor akaun untuk pulangkan balik wang yang float tu. Ya! (tapi tunggu je lah 2-3 minggu paling lama)
Sebagai hantu online buying (also jarang keluar rumah) benda ni sangatlah selalu terjadi. Lali dah. Tapi harapnya sistem perbankan online kita boleh dipertingkatkan satu hari nanti. Maklumlah dah nak masuk 2020 takkanlah pakai paper money lagi ye tak.
daripada yang pernah dan sedang mengalaminya.
daripada yang pernah dan sedang mengalaminya.
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